Lies and Untruths

In a quest to right wrongs created by environmental extremists in my own home town I keep running into lies and untruths all across the globe, told by extremists to scare the bejeezus out of people. This blog is a repository for debunking some of those extremist lies..... should I be kind and call them misformations of the truth?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Michigan Waste Services Asks: Is MDEQ Grandstanding Costing Michigan More Jobs?

... Looks like MDEQ will kill more Michigan jobs with their decision to revoke the air emission permit for the last medical waste incinerator in Michigan. It seems to be what they do best! The environmental extremists have taken over our whole state because of their 'love affair' with the MDEQ since the Granholm administration began.
President of Michigan Waste Services Norm Aardema said "There is no legitimate claim of environmental harm here. Rather, the DEQ is looking for a pat on the back from the environmental groups. As a result, the DEQ is ignoring its own rules and the permit, and disregarding the needs of the health care industry of Michigan. The result of this will absolutely be higher health care costs because this waste will have to be exported to other states."