Lies and Untruths

In a quest to right wrongs created by environmental extremists in my own home town I keep running into lies and untruths all across the globe, told by extremists to scare the bejeezus out of people. This blog is a repository for debunking some of those extremist lies..... should I be kind and call them misformations of the truth?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Groups offer suggestions for cleanup plan

'As mid-Michigan braces for an long-awaited announcement on what activities the state will require of The Dow Chemical Co. as it deals with dioxin contamination, environmental groups are offering suggestions.
The Michigan Environmental Council, the Lone Tree Council, Sierra Club, Ecology Center, Clean Water Action, Tittabawassee River Watch, Citizens Against Toxic Chemicals, and Environmental Health Watch, expecting that an announcement will be made within upcoming weeks on an agreement between the company and state, are asking Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s office to take into consideration health of people, animals, fish and the entire watershed, before finalizing a deal.
"This situation has gone on long enough," said Michelle Hurd Riddick, of the Lone Tree Council.'
...from the Midland Daily News December 28, 2004. I decided to find out what kind of organizations these are and here is what I found:

Lone Tree Council... can't find through Google!!!

Sierra Club... I found the following quote from one of their board members!
“There’s nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win. Then you write the history.” — Sierra Club board member Paul Watson, at the Animal Rights 2002 convention
Find out more about Sierra Club at

Ecology Center... a big national business. Will take your money anyway they can get it... a magazine, membership, online store... and more.

Clean Water Action... 'Clean Water Action is a national citizens' organization working for clean, safe and affordable water... and empowerment of people to make democracy work.' Are they political? Are they ever!!! Look how proud they are that Michigan voted with them in the 2004 election...2004 Election Highlights

Tittabawassee River Watch... you can google them... they have paid ads at Google!

Citizens Against Toxic Chemicals... of course you can't get find them on the net; LoneTree just got them going, but I'll tell you this: I love cats and they are definitely not cats!

Environmental Health Watch '...1980, Environmental Health Watch brought together representatives from local health, environment and consumer advocacy organizations.'

Michigan Environmental Council
...coalition of 50 leading environmental and public health organizations
...including the following...
Tracey Easthope, Ecology Center, 734-663-2400 x 109
Michelle Hurd Riddick, Lone Tree Council - 989-799-3313
Diane Hebert, Environmental Health Watch - 989 832-1694
Terry Miller, Lone Tree Council - 989-686-6386
Dave Dempsey, Michigan Environmental Council - 517-487-9539

Do you notice... can you see? None of these people or organizations have roots in the Tittabawassee River floodplain. Their interests are purely political and the majority in our Township... and Midland... do not support their agenda.