Lies and Untruths

In a quest to right wrongs created by environmental extremists in my own home town I keep running into lies and untruths all across the globe, told by extremists to scare the bejeezus out of people. This blog is a repository for debunking some of those extremist lies..... should I be kind and call them misformations of the truth?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Is this a lie...

...or only an untruth?

You'll read it clearer if you click it bigger.

Now tell me... are twisted truths lies?

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Bush, Kerry and the Environment

If it isn't enough that the environutz have taken over the whole State of Michigan, if John Kerry Heinz is elected, his fruitcake wife will rule the entire United States with her cockeyed ideas of 'what's good for the environment is good for us.' Bush, Kerry and the Environment from - Views - Junk Science.

You know all those photo-ops Kerry used for his campaign... windsurfing, goose hunting... and having a beer with 'the guys' watching the ballgame? Do you think that's the real Kerry? Kerry has recommended that we, the American public, use mass transportation. He, who says he will NOT give up his Harley-Davidson motorcycle even if it's tailpipe emissions are 'worse than cars'? Do you think his billionaire wife will give up her gas-guzzling luxury yacht and her Gulfstream V jet? How about their three SUV's?

Every time his frenzied weirdo environmental wacko wife opens her mouth she spews venom. As Steven Milloy says in his article, 'in a Kerry administration, I suspect that the decision-making on the environment would be handed over to his wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry, much the same way the health care issue was handed to Hillary Clinton'. Do we want these nutzos running our country? Good heavens, NO!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

PETA strikes out against... Dissecting?

No... no, no, no NO! I did not enjoy cutting up a frog... or a fetal pig for that matter, but I did learn something from it! Look what those weird PETA people are feeding our kids during the month of November! ...Cut out Dissection Month

Lies and other Untruths

In a quest to right wrongs created by environmental extremists in my own home town I keep running into lies and untruths all across the globe, told by extremists to scare the bejeezus out of people. This blog is a repository for some of those extremist lies.